The New Dutch APLS Protocol for Abdominal Trauma

G.W. Zijp

Voorzitter(s): dr. R. Bakx, kinderchirurg, Academisch Medisch Centrum/ VU Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam

Vrijdag 25 mei 2018

15:40 - 16:00u in Zaal 81

Categorieën: Symposia (S-sessie), Kinderchirurgie, Traumachirurgie

Parallel sessie: S38 NVKC Blunt Abdominal Trauma in Children

We'll present the new Dutch APLS protocol from the new APLS course book that recently came out. This mini-symposium will be held in English due to the presence of our international guest: Todd Ponsky, who is here to present the Michael Lecture.

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